Thursday, October 30, 2008

WE THE PEOPLE need government and systemic reform....

I went to the ATM today to get some cash. I have 5 figures in my savings account and was $5.39 overdrawn in my checking account. I wanted $100. Not realizing that my checking account was overdrawn I tried to withdraw from it. The system offered to give me an "overdraft" and give me my money if I agreed to pay $35....what's wrong with these guys?
Why is the A.T.M. Still Charging Us $2?

Oh, I got it, but you guys don't. It's our $250 BILLION, and you think it's yours....
At Bank of America, CEO Kenneth D. Lewis pulls down a salary of $1.5 million and last year earned $23 million on top of that. Wells Fargo CEO John G. Stumpf made $750,000 in salary last year and total compensation of $12.6 million.

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