Thursday, October 23, 2008

Throw Grandma Under The Bus

Over at Rush Limbaugh land they obviously scrub their transcripts:
RUSH: Obama suspending his campaign to visit his grandmother... Whether it's a cynical ploy or whether the grandmother is really sick, the Drive-Bys are already reporting it as a man who understands the importance of family first. ABC has already done this. "Why, he's willing to suspend his campaign and give the floor to John McCain for two whole days to go visit the white grandmother who raised him!" So regardless why he's going out there, the Drive-Bys are going to portray it as one of the biggest acts of selflessness that we have ever seen. "He's willing to risk losing the presidency to be with the white woman who raised him, his grandmother;" who, by the way, he has thrown under the bus a couple of times in this campaign.

I heard this segment and heard this jerk talk about Grandma's broken hip. Rush then made the snide comment that she probably got injured when Barack threw her under the bus...just disgusting.

More smarm
WATCH GOP Strategist: Outrage Obama Using "767 Campaign Plane To Visit (Sick) Grandma"

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