Monday, October 13, 2008

Swine One Of The Day

"Yesterday, Griffin — unintentionally displaying the oozing politicization of our federal justice system which he helped to implement — wrote a post recommending that John McCain, at the next debate, call for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to criminally investigate the financial crisis, to include a focus on every GOP bogeyman:  Democratic Senators Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad, ”the role of former Fannie Mae chief Franklin Raines in the collapse of Fannie Mae,” and ACORN:  ”The Special Prosecutor could work together with the federal prosecutor prosecuting ACORN under the RICO law as a criminal enterprise if that in fact occurs as some have suggested.”  

With no hint of irony at all, Karl Rove’s top hatchet man actually wrote this:

If McCain were to make such a proposal, it would demonstrate that he is a man of action, not just words.

It would demonstrate that he understands someone must be held accountable for the mortgage meltdown if criminal laws were broken. (I understand that greed in and of itself is not criminal.)

It would demonstrate that we are a nation of laws, even for the wealthy and well connected."

Yuck, I just threw up a little in my mouth....

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