Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Crazy Conspiracy Theorists or Panicked Capitalist's? Paul; I Think You Are Giving Them Too Much Credit....

Crazy conspiracy theorists

Poor Rush, poor Sean, poor Bill-O (he just canceled his radio show, why do you think? Certainly not because it was a successful enterprise!) - they just don’t like America anymore. Their professional survival now depends upon their expressed hatred of what is left of all that is still good about America.

Their audiences are shrinking down to the core anti-intellectual know-nothings and they know it.


“Through the first three quarters of the year, network radio ad spending declined 3.5 percent from the same time in 2007, according to Nielsen. The radio industry, while still a $20 billion business, has been on a downward trajectory for years as consumers have spent less time listening. But talk still has an edge over other formats, Ms. Mijatovic said, because the listeners are engaged with the hosts “and don’t tune out.”

These clowns are not conservatives, they are reactionaries and even more to the point; they are capitalists. They sell a product and will do whatever they have to do to continue to sell their product just like anyone else with a business.

As their rants become more and more incomprehensible and as they become more and more inconsequential the best thing to do is simply ignore them.

Oh, and by the way Amy, they’ll not be going to Iraq, they’ll join their buddies in Dubai (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/12/business/12haliburton.html?scp=1&sq=halliburton%20dubai&st=cse)

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