America is constipated from having gorged on an imagined banquet.
Our national dialog is dominated by those whose political voice still screams from the narrowness of their own greed-those who earn millions of dollars a year to spew that which profits them, regardless of the truth. Listen to the dialog, it’s shallowness is appalling yet it still dominates our discourse.
The real ability to address real issues is drowned out by the noise spewed across our airwaves. Jon Stewart vs. Jim Kramer. Rush Limbaugh against us all the rest of us. Sean Hannity screaming unverifiable absurdity - nothing real, nothing of substance, just the stuff that is believed by those too lazy to unveil the truth.
Instead of thinking and learning we allow our own laziness to substitute for genuine rational, intelligent and informed discourse.
There is NOTHING today that cannot be verified by a simple Web search if we will are only willing to use some of our God given intelligence and energy to find it. Our discourse is dominated by the petty because we allow it to be so.
The issues are lost in a scream-fest. Some of us who think that we are betrayed by the captains of finance, others who bemoan the loss of the politics of the 1980’s. We are a bewildered populace assaulted by a media that has degenerated by a narrowness fed only by its own ratings and greed.
The American people must emerge from the fog of the absurd idea of God given right to live in energy thirsty McMansion’s and the unsustainable belief that unfettered access to petroleum and the monsters that gulp it up is a right granted to American’s because we are somehow exceptional.
No longer America, no longer.